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Margret Pagac

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Q: Which term is broad enough to include the others?
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Which term is broad enough to include the other three?


Which term is enough to include the other three?


Is a broad term that describes any program that is intended to cause harm or convey information to others without the owner's permission?


Is a broad a boy or girl?

Broad is a slang term for a girl.

What is the term for a broad uninterrupted band of radiant energy?

The term for a broad uninterrupted band of radiant energy is a spectrum.

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How do you explain IT term simply to others?

IT (Information Technology) is a broad term for multiple fields involving computers, including but not limited to: computer repair and maintenance (A+), network construction and maintenance (CISCO), Network Security, and web design.

Another word for internal customer?

The term internal customer is a broad term that can be applied to a number of people directly involved (often internally) in an organization. That could include employees, stakeholders, shareholders, creditors, and external regulators.

What do you use the term genre to classify?

Broad types of literature, music or other broad body of knowledge.

What term means any abnormal or pathologic conditon of the blood?

Any abnormal blood disorder comes under the broad term blood dyscrasia.Any abnormal blood disorder comes under the broad term blood dyscrasia.

Broad term for a morally rigid person?

A puritan.

What does the term citrus mean?

Citrus is the name of a genus of plants which include the lemon and the orange, among others. Beyond this, there are various other, less common, usage of this term.