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Yes. In fact, it's a good practice to run a bead of silicone along the edge to seal out moisture that could creep under your flooring and ruin it.

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Q: Can I use silicone with laminate flooring next to exterior door?
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Laminate flooring next to a door can I use silicone instead of a transition piece.?

Yes. The purpose of the transition is to create a pleasing edge to your flooring without binding it, since a laminate floor is designed to "float" and must not be inhibited in movement. Silicone, instead of a transition piece, will still allow enough movement for expansion and contraction. In fact, even if you do use a transition piece, it's a good practice to run a bead of silicone along the edge to seal out moisture that could creep under your flooring and ruin it.

How do you install laminate around doors?

Laminate flooring? There is a saw that rests on the floor and cuts a groove the right height under the door frame and trim and you slide the flooring under it.

What is the location of an Exterior door?

An exterior door is a door that opens to the outside of the structure.

Can you install laminate flooring in an entry?

If the entry is open to the elements, then I would say no. Water would get into the joints and degrade the unprotected fibre board base beneath the laminate. Even if the entry is closed off you are going to be walking a lot of water in. You could seal the joints off with clear silicon and put a door mat down but then it would negate the effect this sort of flooring promotes.

Mahogany Exterior Door?

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How do I install a laminated floor?

Laminate flooring has become very popular since its introduction in the United States in 1982. Easy to clean and take care of, laminate floors are becoming a favorite of home owners. Laminate flooring is easier to clean than carpet, it comes in many different designs, and you can install it yourself. The first thing you have to do is get rid of any other flooring. If you have carpet where you want to install laminate flooring, you need to be sure to pull up carpet, pad, any carpet tacks, and any other debris that has collected there. Make sure the floor beneath is level, and if not, level it out. Vacuum the area very well. Next, you need to remove baseboards. If you are very careful when you remove the baseboards, you can reuse them after the floor is installed. If they are not in good enough condition to use, you will need to purchase and install new ones. The bottoms of the door jambs will need to be trimmed with a coping saw so that there will be room underneath to fit the flooring and pad. Measure the height of pad and flooring together so that you know how much to trim. Once all that is done, you are ready to lay the underlayment pad. The separate pieces of the pad can be held together with clear plastic tape. Now, you are ready to install the flooring. Most laminate flooring comes in pieces that easily snap together. You will need to trim the snapping connectors on the pieces that are next to walls. You need to leave enough width between the flooring and the walls so that you can reinstall your baseboards. Start in a corner and put spacers between the wall and flooring to make sure the flooring does not slide up against the wall. Then you can start laying your flooring. As you go along, you may want to use a rubber mallet and a pull bar to smooth the flooring out. Once all the flooring is laid, reinstall your baseboards. Installing laminate flooring yourself is a fairly simple process, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you completed a home project yourself.

How do you cut laminate flooring across a doorway?

There is a electric saw on the market now called the exact saw.i think i have got the name right . Draw a line across the floor where the centre of the door would be.and cut. This saw is the perfect tool for this job . The small piece of flooring left at end cut with a sharp chisel.

How much does a door cost?

depends on what type of door interior or exterior? Interior door for the slab go from $20 to $100 and an exterior door go from $80 and up.

Exterior Doors?

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How do I install an exterior door?

Home depot has a video on on installing an exterior door. You can also find more information on with Tim Carter putting an exterior door up and it has a youtube video as well.

Why do you need an exterior door replacement?

Here are 5 reasons why you need an exterior door replacement: Increase home security. Better durability Reduced maintenance. Improved energy efficiency. Instant home exterior upgrade. Contact us at Energy Exterior NW for your next exterior door replacement project.

Does adding plastic laminate to a rated fire door affect the UL rating label of the door?

Yes. The plastic laminate itself is combustible and flammable and if it is adhering to the steel door it cannot help but affect the doors temperature rating.