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well i don't know if you would want ot eat a pregnant fish (:)) lol go for i guess

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Q: Can you eat mahi pregnant
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Can you eat mahi mahi raw?

YES, it is delicious!!

Can you eat mahi mahi when you are pregnant?

Not often, no. You can eat Mahi-Mahi but you should limit your intake to one serving per week at the most. Fish safe during pregnancy is: Farm raised Trout, Farm raised catfish, WILD pacific salmon (Not Atlantic or farm raised), summer flounder, croaker, Mid-Atlantic blue crab (Not gulf of Mexico crab), and haddock. Eat as much of those as you want but limit yourself on mahi-mahi. Go here-

What are words that start with m that you can eat?

You can eat meatballs. You also can eat muffins, mahi-mahi and macaroni.

Can you eat mahi mahi fich during pergnancy?

I wouldn't try

What does a mahi mahi fish eat?

what mahi mahi / dorodo usaly eat is a mix of flying fish squid and ballyhoo which like it are fast moving fish for best results use ballyhoo it looks more realistic in the water

Can you eat a dolphin?

yes but not a bottle nose...mahi mahi is dolphin but not porpoise...silly rabbit

A fish that is called a dolphin?

That would be the very tasty mahi-mahi fish that you eat at a number of seafood restaurants.

What is wrong with eating dolphins?

That would depend on whom you ask, people eat mahi mahi all the time.

What can you eat that starts with the letterm?

Mahi-mahi, mashed potatoes, meatballs, meatloaf and milk are food. They begin with the letter m.

Is mahi mahi a bottom feder?

Mahi mahi is a type of tuna. Tuna are large, carnivorous fish. Bottom feeders are fish or other animals that eat organic debris and waste, so tune fish are not considered bottom feeders.

Can mahi mahi be eaten rare?

Fresh raw mahi mahi is sometimes used in sushi rolls, so it is definitely possible to eat it when cooked rare. However, you want to be very sure of your source since such light cooking may not kill all the parasites that could be present. A safer approach is to cook mahi mahi to a medium rare/medium state.

When was Mahi-mahi created?

Mahi-mahi was created in 1758.