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a sharks's skin feels very slimy but at times i t can feel dry and scaly

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14y ago

Like sandpaper, rough and course

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Q: How does a shark's skin feel?
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Are leopard sharks skin scaley?

leopard sharks are not "scaly". Their skin is made of sharp, conicle protrusions which feel rough to the touch. No; there is no shark in existence with scales, all sharks have a different skin.

Do sharks have skin soft?

No, sharks have skin like sand-paper They have teeth like things on their skin called denticles. That`s why they feel like snadpaper.

What is a hammerhead shark's skin feel like?

The skin of sharks in general is very smooth, but has a leathery feel, at least when its wet. I hope that helps!

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Is sharks skin slimy?

I would go with no. they don't produce any kind of slime like a hag-fish does and thinking about shark skin I'd have to say it would probably feel something like a cow's hide. So it would feel like leather.

Why sharks have skin?

Of course they do!

How do sharks feel around?

they feel motion

What is a whale sharks skin like?

It has an yellowish skin and is rough

Does sharks feel human electrity?

It is not know for certain whether sharks feel human electrical impulses.

Do sharks live in symbiosis with other organisms?

Sharks don't live in symbiosis with other organisms. They don't need to. However the remora, or suckerfish, often attach themselves to a sharks skin. They keep the skin clean while removing debris and eating parasites on the sharks skin.

Why do great white sharks have coarse skin?

the reason that the sharks skin feels like sandpaper is because there skin is made up of little teeth like objects.

What does a saw fish feel like?

Saw fish have a skin like sharks so I have been told. So it feels like sandpaper, very rough.