Depending on what they are made of, they should last for years. Lightweight, fiberglass tent poles are generally seen as the cheapest, and may not last very long depending on the conditions you are camping in. A good alternative is aluminum poles, which are stronger and more stable. The best are carbon fiber poles, which should last for years in adverse conditions, but they also cost more.
We have this tent and I bought all new replacement poles last July before our trip. The number I called it 800-226-9527, a place called Temple Tech. I got two short poles and two long poles for $22.45
A tent caterpillar when it get long and fat to last the sleep
Vertical Ascent tent style 35861 H99 B09 35861 CedarBreaks replacement poles
While tent poles are metal and metal does conduct electricity, most manufactures will have some type of current block and if the tent is plastic then that will also stop lightning.
You could go back to the shop where you bought your tent and get some there or Halfords :)
No, a tent is a temporary, flexible structure, usually built with poles and woven material or hide.
I have a complete large jc higgins tent with poles, stakes, excellent shape looking to sell. anyone know if there is still interest for this item?
I called the manufacturer (Northern Designs 800-775-1965) and the tent is discontinued. Try
Tent poles are typically made out of either aluminum or fiberglass, which are both metals. These materials are chosen for their strength, durability, and lightweight properties, which make them ideal for supporting the structure of a tent.
A teepee is a portable tent made from animal skins that is held together with long poles and has an opening for smoke from the fire for cooking and heat.
You can find two poles for the Eddie Bauer 2 room mammoth 14 by 10 tent from the company. You can call or email the company for replacement poles.
You can expect your Pacific Play tent to last throughout the child's early years of usage and the life span will be extended further if it is used indoors.