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Lift a car.

*response from question poster* "Lifting a car can be too expensive, and besides a car with a lift is just silly."

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Q: What are some manly things to do?
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Related questions

What are manly activities?

Most activities are unisex but some activities such as football and basketball are considered quite manly.

What caused the Indian wars?

many things. manly the whites coming to take there land

Do guys like manly girls?

Yeah, I supposed that some men do like this. Some men like to have women in their life where they can hunt together, or do some things normal women would not. It all depends on the person.

Where is the Manly Public Library in Manly located?

The address of the Manly Public Library is: 127 S Grant St, Manly, 50456 0720

What is only available for men?

If your question is what can a male have that a female cant i have a couple of answers. Male condom's,a real penis........nothing else. Women become more manly and use manly things everyday.

Can you be gay but still like manly stuff?

Sure, there are many people who are attracted to the same sex, but are pro sports players and do other "manly" things. Sexually isn't based on outside influences, but is there when you were born.

What is the birth name of Manly Hall?

Manly Hall's birth name is Manly Palmer Hall.

How do you say manly in Hebrew?

manly = gavrí (גברי)

Is oink a very manly color?

is pink manly

When did Manly Fleischmann die?

Manly Fleischmann died in 1987.

When was Alexander Manly born?

Alexander Manly was born in 1866.

When did Alexander Manly die?

Alexander Manly died in 1944.