If your hampsters foot is swollen and its tail is red and curved you should take it to the vet.
or you may be thinking of your foot arch
u get the golden crusher blade in Andre the giant foot.
Blade housings and shields prevent an operator's foot from accidentally slipping under the deck of the mower and into the blade. Manufacturers are required to perform a standard "foot-probe test".
The heel, the ball, the outside blade, the inside blade, and the top are the five areas of the foot that you can kick with.
A sharp, usually curved, nail on the foot of an animal.
· Claws are up to 10 cm (4 in) in length · Each paw has four claws and one dewclaw · Declaw is located back farther on the foot (similarly to thumbs) · Claws are retractable - protective skin sheath - to maintain sharp claws · Claws are curved for a better grasping
A bird's-foot is a papillonaceous plant with a curved, cylindrical pod tipped with a short, claw-like point.
td20b with 11 foot blade and winch 43,000lbs.
well a dog a wolf or even a bear