Yes I have found them in both smith mountain lake and claytor lake!
The address of the Mountain Lake Public Library is: 1054 4Th Avenue, Mountain Lake, 56159 1455
The phone number of the Mountain Lake Public Library is: 507-427-2506.
You can find Palkia at the spear pillar. The psychic pokemon Azelf, Uxie, and Mespirt can be found at Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, and Lake Verity. After you unlock the national Pokedex Heatran can be found on Stark Mountain.
crater lake is in the cascade mountain range
Please rephrase - the question is unclear. they mean what is a name for a lake that is on a mountain
The area of Mountain Island Lake is 13.278 square kilometers.
Mountain Creek Lake Bridge was created in 1979.
The area of Shadow Mountain Lake is 5,447,068.7445504 square meters.
The area of Surry Mountain Lake is 1,072,416.951936 square meters.
The area of Mountain Lake - Virginia - is 202,342.82112 square meters.
long lake