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Look who's leading the parade!

Let's go to the parade.

Last year's parade had a runaway stagecoach!

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Q: A sentence for the word parade?
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When do you capitalize the word parade?

When the word parade is at the beginning of a sentence

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She will proceed the rest of the girl's in the parade.

A sentence using the word rubbish?

Rubbish is another word for trash or garbage. A sentence using the word rubbish would be, "After the parade, the streets were lined with rubbish."

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The Easter Bunny parade takes place tomorrow.

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The parade float was festooned with bright ribbons and streamers.

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Make sure every horse is shod before the parade.

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Let's get a good spot to watch the pharaoh and his parade go by.

Make a sentence using the word an?

An elephant sat by the road watching the parade. You will use an when the following word begins with a vowel.

Should the word Patriotic be capitalized in a sentence?

The word "patriotic" should only be capitalized if it is used at the beginning of a sentence or as part of a proper noun (e.g., Patriotic Day Parade).

How can you use the word Chicago in a sentence?

The Mayor of Chicago led the parade. Chicago is a large city in the midwest.

Find a sentence with the word abreast?

abreast - side by side The parade had six drummers marching abreast.