They are not fireproof but fire resistant. Fireproof means not burnable, such as a fireproof vault door in a bank. Fire resistant means it can resist fire up to a certain burn time or temperature.
Fireproof earned $33,351,975.
Fireproof was released on 09/26/2008.
The Production Budget for Fireproof was $500,000.
Fireproof Building was created in 1827.
The MPAA rating for Fireproof (2008) is PG.
Words that can be made from the letters in 'fireproof' are:errfiefieffifefirfirefoeforforeIifireofoffofferororeperpipiepierpoipoopoofpoorpoorerporepriorproprofferproofreproofriferiffripriperiperripoffroeroofrooferroperoper
The duration of Fireproof - film - is 2.03 hours.
Its still parachutes.
"Fireproof" is an adjective. "Tongs" is a noun.
Fireproof - film - was created on 2009-07-14.
Metropolitan Fireproof Warehouse was created in 1925.
Fireproof grossed $33,473,297 worldwide.