They don't say: "Glory be" in French. They say, Gloire à(Glory to)For example, if you want to say: Glory be to God, you'd say, "Gloire à Dieu".
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
"Yes" in Portuguese is "sim".
"Onde" is how you say "where" in Portuguese.
"Fuzzy" in Portuguese is "fofinho" or "peludinho."
To say "your location" in Portuguese, you would say "sua localização".
"Spoon" in Portuguese is "colher".
they say gobble gobble in English but portuguese idk about that!AnswerThey say 'glu glu'
In Portuguese, you can say "adeus" or "tchau" to say "goodbye."
To say "Where are you?" in Portuguese, you can say "Onde você está?"