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Patience. If impairment is new to the patient, their remaining senses will actually become heightened and compensate for whichever sense was lost. A word to the wise though, blind have extremely good hearing so watch what you say, same goes for deaf people. They may not be able to hear but I bet they can read your lips.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago
  1. Research the type of disabilities the person has
  2. Study the individual:
    • How they react in their environment
    • How they react in an unknown environment
    • How they react to others
    • How and what type of stimulants effects the individual
  3. Build a repore with the individual. (ie: Establish their trust)
  4. Build and establish your own self confidence
  5. Have Patience, Patience, and more Patience...

    (this is just a small outline of what to look forward to, to prepare ones self, to teach someone with disabilities)

Your not only will be teaching a person with disabilities, You'll be teaching yourself.

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The wellness model of care re: disabilities has an emphasis on dignity and holistic care. It provides sructure,when caring for people with disabilities.

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It depends on the person, is he going to be commited to learn what you teach him or not?

What causes disabilities and had the disability all your life and why?

Disabilities can occur during a person's lifetime or it can be present at birth. Some causes of disabilities during a person's lifetime include motor vehicle accidents, work-related accidents, or chronic illnesses such cancer, epilepsy, diabetes and the like. Others are also born with a disability which may be present all their life -- some examples are mental retardation, blindness, cerebral palsy or other developmental disabilities.

What are physical and mental disabilities?

The WHO has defined that disabilities can be defined into 3 types, physical, mental and social economy. Someone without a hand or leg may be called disable. A mental person can also be called disabled, so can someone without enough money to purchase food, and their daily needs.