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As far as my research goes, braille has been around for over 160 years.

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Q: How many years is it has been when braille came?
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Who uses braille?

About 150 million people use Braille today.

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How many letters of French braille have been internationalized?

Only the 25 basic letters of the French alphabet plus 'w' have become internationalized; the additional letters are largely restricted to French braille.

How many people us braille?

About 150 million people use Braille today.

How many years until AD came into the 1000s?

From B.C. through B.C.E. and ending at A.D., there are many years that no one has bothered to count. I am not sure how many years have been recorded... I have tried, but I have given up. This has taken me many years to figure it out but there is no exact answer.

How do you learn the braille alphabet?

There are many ways you could learn the braille alphabet. The best way is simply just to practice reading braille.

Was Louis Braille the smartest Blind person?

Louis Braille was indeed a highly intelligent individual who developed the Braille system that revolutionized reading and writing for blind individuals. However, intelligence is not a measurable quality, and there have been many other brilliant blind individuals throughout history in various fields such as music, science, and literature.

What does the Braille mean in Pokemon?

Braille can be found in many of the Pokémon games. You can easily find out what it means by looking up the Braille alphabet.

Show braille alphabet?

Braille is a writing system that is used by blind and visually impaired. Braille was developed by Louis Braille who went blind as a child and developed the system at age 15. The braille system is raised bumps that are found on paper and each represent something different. The braille alphabet can be found on many websites.

When did Jamaica first get electricity?

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