Sabyasachi Hajara was born on 1952-12-03.
amin love this girl in lit names hajara
Sarah and Hajar- peace be upon them
idk but i really wanna no
stone : hajar حجر / hajara حجرةrock : sakhr صخر / sakhra صخرة
The cast of Hausa fulani - 2006 includes: Shamsiyya Habib Nura Imam Alasan Kwalle Bashir Nayaya Jamila Umar Hajara Usman Amina Yola
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The city is named after the Spanish city of Guadalajara, whose name originates from the Arabic word (وادي الحجرة) "wadii al-Hajara", which may mean "river of stones", "valley of stones", or "valley of the fortress" The 'Average' Annual income or GDP - Per Capita (PPP) Is $10,700 (2006 Est.)
There aren't many Islamic sources available on the topic so we don't know what all the names of the mothers of the prophets of Islam. A few names are known but most are not. Some are named in the Judeo-Christian tradition but not in the Islamic*. The Prophet Muhammad's mother was called Amina. Moses' mother was Yocheved* (His natural Hebrew mother), Asiyah was his adoptive Egyptian mother. Joseph's mother was Rachel* Ishmael's mother was Hagar (Hajara) Isaac's mother was Sarah Adam didn't have a mother of course His son Seth's (considered a prophet, but much less known) mother was obviously Eve and of course, Mary (Maryam) was the mother of Jesus