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Q: What countries in the world have no gold?
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One of the world's top gold producing countries?

Saudi Arabia

Which continent has the most gold?

Africa has the largest gold reserves, with South Africa being one of the world's top gold-producing countries. Other notable gold-producing countries in Africa include Ghana, Mali, and Tanzania.

What two countries are the worlds largest producers of gold?

China and Australia are the world's largest producers of gold.

Who are the top 5 gold producing countries in the world?

The most recent figures (2008) for the top gold producing countries in the world are: * China * USA * South Africa * Australia * Russia See website below for more details.

Where are most of the worlds gold mines located?

The largest gold mines in the world are located in countries such as China, Australia, Russia, the United States, Canada, and South Africa. These countries have significant gold reserves and have a long history of gold mining.

How did Spain become one of world's powerful countries?

by conquering people and stealing gold

What are the top ten gold producing countries?

There are many gold producing countries in the world. Some of the major countries include China, Australia, the United States, Russia, Peru, South Africa, Canada, MExico, Uzbekistan, and Ghana.

Is there any countries still on the gold standard?

No. Currently may countries have central banks that hold gold. But no countries are using gold as an official means of exchange and no countries are backing their currency with gold.

How much gold did Germany steal from countries in World War II?

700 tons of gold worth $785 million in 1945 dollars

Where does the most gold come from?

The top gold-producing countries in the world are China, Australia, Russia, and the United States. These countries have significant mining operations and contribute a large portion of the world's total gold production.

What major countries is gold found in?

All over the world it would be hard to list all of them

Why did the European countries want to explore the new world?

To find gold, silver and new beginnings