vikram samvat 2002 vaishakh shukla 14 is May 14 1946
The date A.D. on Vikram Samvat 1996 Ashvin Shukla 6 corresponds to October 30, 1939.
Vikram samvat 1980 jeth vad 2
kartik shukla 14
Jyestha Shukla Paksha starts on 21st May,2012
The English date on vikram sawat 1953 vaishakh shukla pratham is 22 May.
It was "Dwadashi, Ashwin, Shukla Paksha, 2041 Bikram Sambat" on that day.
dt.29/09/1974. tithi--14(chaudash). shukla(shud)
Vikram Samvat (VS) era begins in the year 58 BCE. To obtain Common Era (CE) dates, subtract 57 from Vikram Samvat dates (since there is no year 0). 2009 VS = 1952 to 1953 CE In North India, VS new year is on the first day of Chaitra Navratras (Chaitra Shukla Prathama) in late March/early April. In Gujarat, VS new year is on the day after Diwali (Kartik Shukla Prathama) in late October/early November. In Nepal, VS (also called Bikrami Sambat) new year is the day of Baisakhi, approximately April 14. So, depending on where one is from, VS is considered to begin on different dates.
Nikhil Shukla is 6'.