ALL and i mean ALL types of poke-mon unless your poke-mon is like at least i dont know mab 20-30 levels highr which is kinda hard but dragon, dark, flying, fire, electric all tyepes without all of them its kinda hard even if the poke-mon your battleing iz like 40 levels below you if its a poke-mon that your weak to your gonna need a poke-mon that that poke-mon is weak to so all types of poke-mon will help you along the way. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
He has a red uniform. They are really easy to spot though.
poke ee mon
under the water
a poke mon with big balls
Celadon City
Electabuzz or Murkrow depending on which game you have
in Cerulean City
go onto your poke gear and look for the radio icon