a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
straight forward ;-)
From the Ancient Greek ἐπιληψία (epilēpsía) - "seizure"
Today, most forms of epilepsy can be controlled with medications.Epilepsy can cause many types of seizures.In historical times, people believed that anyone with epilepsy had a spiritual problem.
Not remembering anything that happened.
i'm not sure what the question here means (it's awkwardly phrased) but assuming that you mean "Can the saliva of someone who has epilepsy give other people epilepsy", the answer is NO. We're not dealing with anything contagious here. It's not like AIDs or the common cold; you cannot catch it. Think about someone with diabetes spitting on you. Would that cause diabetes? Nope. You can't catch epilepsy, nor can you be "infected" with epilepsy. Epilepsy is often times a genetic thing, and if you have had a seizure or think you may have epilepsy, consult a doctor. Also you shouldn't let people spit on you.
No. Epilepsy is not contagious. You cannot catch epilepsy from anybody.
The word intractable means hard to control. It can be used in relation to many things. Lots of things can be intractable. So intractable epilepsy is when someone's epilepsy is quite serious, difficult to control and as a result has a major impact on their lives. It is not a form of epilepsy, just a general description as to how serious a person's epilepsy has become. As it is a general term there is no specific point of measurement to say when someone has intractable epilepsy. The majority of people with epilepsy lead very normal lives. They only have seizures occasionally and most of the time they are fine and people that know them might not even know they have epilepsy. Only a very small amount of people have it to the extent that it could be said to be intractable.
Epilepsy is the name of the illness. Someone who has epilepsy gets seizures. Epilepsy is the tendency to get seizures. Someone who gets regular seizures can be diagnosed as having Epilepsy.
yes epilepsy problematic in pregnancy .anyone and everyone can have epilepsy
Epilepsy is something that affects the brain, so you cannot get epilepsy in your leg.