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it means that you r working togheter and not just on your own.

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Q: What does the word participate mean?
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What does partisacape mean?

The word participate means to become involved in something. An example sentence using the word could be "Sally decided to participate in the upcoming marathon."

What did the word citizen mean in Greece?

it means to be a hardworking citizen and be loyal and participate

How many syllables does the word participate have?

The word 'participate' has four syllables.

What is Japanese word for participate or compete?

"Participate" is 'sanka suru.'

Whats the word that means A request to participate?

The word that means a request to participate in something is, an invitation or an invite.

Can you give a sentence with the word participate in it?

I will not participate in the following discussion.

Use in a sentence the word participate?

She participated that game which means she is involved in it.

What does partisapete mean?

Nothing, there is no such Englsih word as "partisapete" Assuming you have miss spelled the word, the nearest match would be "participate" which means to 'join in', as in "John participated in the class activities".

How do you spell particiapte?

The word is spelled participate.

What us another word for participate?


What does the word amorality mean?

The word amorous is defined as having or showing feelings of a sexual nature. When a person is said to be feeling amorous, they are in a strong mood to participate in activities of a sexual nature.

When is the word participate used?

Neither, the word 'participates' is a verb; the third person, singular, present of the verb to participate.The noun forms of the verb to participate are:participator (singular) - participators (plural)participant (singular) - participants (plural)participation (uncountable)