Yes, 149 is a fantastic score. The pacer test starts off slow and gains... well, pace. Not only is it testing someone's speed, but also their stamina! 149 is quite a remarkable score for anyone. Congratulations!
Pacer fun pacer good
PACER test
The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.
The PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) is the default aerobic capacity test in FITNESSGRAM. The PACER is a multistage fitness test adapted from the 20-meter shuttle run test published by Leger and Lambert (1982) and revised in 1988 (Leger et al.). The test is progressive in intensity-it is easy at the beginning and gets harder at the end. The progressive nature of the test provides a built-in warm-up and helps children to pace themselves effectively.
Cardiovascular Fitness
The PACER running test is used in the Fitnessgram fitness exam.
cardiovascular fitness
A score of 127 on an IQ test is considered above average, falling within the top 15% of the population. This score suggests that the individual has strong cognitive abilities compared to their peers.
yes. 82 % is a very good score. You should be pleased.