Full form of OPV Oral Polio Vaccine.
Pulse Polio Program PULSE stands for Post resuscitation & initial Utility in Life Saving Efforts
Infectious poliomyelitis.
She had polio when she was a child and it left her with a limp.
Polio actually can not be cured. There is, however, a vaccination that can be taken to prevent people who do not have polio, from getting polio. The polio vaccination was created by Salk and Sabin. Originally, the polio vaccination by Salk was administered in the form of a shot. The Sabin is given by mouth.
The word 'polio' is a noun a word for a type of disease; a word for a thing.The noun 'polio' is a shortened form of the noun poliomyelitis.
Polio is a disease caused by the poliovirus. In its most severe form polio causes paralysis of the muscles of the legs, arms, and respiratory system.
The name of the Polio Virus is simply Poliovirus. It causes Poliomyelitis, commonly know as "Polio". ----------------------------------------------------- There are three types of polio virus found .... TYPE 1 also known as BRUNHILDE & MA HONEY TYPE 2 also known as LANCING & MEFI TYPE 3 also known as LEON & SAUKETT
PPS occurs in about 25% of patients, several decades after their original infection with polio. However, long-term follow-up indicates that two thirds of polio survivors may experience new weakness.
It didn't really have an "early" name that I've ever heard; it has always been called both "polio" and "infantile paralysis". The full medical name of it is "poliomyelitis".
Polio is caused by an infection from the poliovirus. When a person is affected with it the virus resides in the intestinal tract and in the mucus in your nose and throat. It is usually spread through contact with the waste of an infected person. It is less frequently spread through contact with infected respiratory secretions - saliva.