Either mr post or mr box?
That address is a post office box in the post office in Newport, Arkansas.
Post Office Box.
It is a Post Office Box. Instead of having something sent to an address of a place, you can organise a post office box through your post office and the post will be sent there. You can then collect it. It is a way of keep an actual address private.
A post box number is a unique number assigned to a specific post office box to help identify and route mail to that particular box. It is often used as part of the address when sending mail to a P.O. box.
Go to the post office.
It is a Post Office Box. Instead of having something sent to an address of a place, you can organise a post office box through your post office and the post will be sent there. You can then collect it. It is a way of keep an actual address private.
The cast of Post Box No. 27 - 1991 includes: Rudra
P.O. Box 785
General Post Office Box. Its an Australian thing.