The name of this title heroine of an 1847 poem is from the Greek for "good news"
It was a Sunday and an encore program
COUNTRIES OF THE WORLDThe 14 countries that border China run alphabetically from this to VietnamAfghanistan
FRENCH PAINTERSThis French painter wrote, "I am good for nothing except painting and gardening"Monet
COMIC BOOKSAn inspiration for this character introduced in 1929 was 15-year-old Palle Huld's 1928 44-day voyage around the worldTintin
THE 1960sOn nominating this man in 1967, LBJ said "It is the right thing to do, the right time to do it, the right man & the right place"Thurgood Marshall
The 20th was a Saturday Friday Feb 19 2010 was Artists
Monica Thieu, a sophomore at the University of North Texas from Dallas, Texas
Jeopardy has many different answers for that date over the past 28 seasons in 2010 it wasLITERARY CHARACTERSHis "story was soon told, for the whole twenty years had been to him but as one night"Rip Van Winkle
No, it is the 22nd of Feb
OKM for feb 2012 is not availabe in net
11th Feb 2012 ^^
As of Feb. 2012, no.