The clue was His first name means "moderate": sadly, immoderate drinking helped kill him in 1881 at age 42, but not on Bald Mountain
The answer was Modest Mussorgsky
The Final Jeopardy! category on June 30, 2010, was "Russian Composers."
The Final Jeopardy category was FILM HISTORY
The clue for this category was "Written by Thomas Dixon, 1916's film "The Fall of a Nation" is considered the first of these ever made"
The answer is What is a Sequel
More Jeopardy information for the game on this date is available at the related link
Film History
The Category was the The Nine Muses
The clue was "In a Balanchine Ballet, Apollo God of Music has a favorite muse, this one"
The answer was Who Terpsichore
The 9 Muses.
The August 30 2010 episode is an encore broadcast of the Jeopardy 2009-2010 Million Dollar Celebrity Invitational Quarterfinal Game 2 that aired October 15 2009
The Category was Biblical Names
The clue was " Trees with biblical names include the Joshua tree & the world's oldest tree, a 4,700-year-old pine named for him"
The answer was Who is Methuselah
The Final Jeopardy category for August 30 2010 was Biblical Names
The Final Jeopardy category for July 30 2010 was TheNine Muses
The Final Jeopardy category for September 30 2010 was Alliterative Athletes
The final Jeopardy category was Toys
The final Jeopardy category is Sports and the answer was Toronto Maple Leafs
Show was an encore episode from an earlier unknown date
The following are the Jeopardy Final Categories for the August weekday episodes: August 2 2010 Historic Americans August 3 2010 Numbers and Letters August 4 2010 London Landmarks August 5 2010 The Planets August 6 2010 State Capitals August 9 2010 The Old Testament August 10 2010 Architecture August 11 2010 The World After WWII August 12 2010 19th Century Novelists August 13 2010 Historic Speeches August 16 2010 Medicine August 17 2010 Famous Americans August 18 2010 Olympic Venues August 19 2010 20th Century People August 20 2010 Recent Books August 23 2010 Ranks and Titles August 24 2010 Astronomy August 25 2010 American Heroes August 26 2010 College History August 27 2010 Biblical Kings August 30 2010 Biblical Names August 31 2010 Film Directors
Many of the answers to the August shows are a result of the re broadcast of the Teen Champion and Collage Champion episodes and they have been added under the related questions links below the answer information. Encore episodes from the 2009-2010 Million Dollar Celebrity Invitational started the rebroadcast on August 30 2010 and have also been added although the shows continue into September and the start of the new Jeopardy season.
Toys was the final jeopardy category aired on April 30 2010. Lincoln Logs was the answer to the question about the 1918 set that was first used to built Uncle Tom's Cabin.
The following are the Jeopardy Final Categories for the June weekday episodes: June 1 2010 The U.S. Military June 2 2010 Historical Phases June 3 2010 Film History June 4 2010 American Politicians June 7 2010 Meteorology June 8 2010 U.S. Military History June 9 2010 Artists June 10 2010 Short Stories June 11 2010 Flags and Banners June 14 2010 Moons and Mythology June 15 2010 The 50 States June 16 2010 Modern Materials June 17 2010 Americana June 18 2010 Sports Venues June 21 2010 After the Presidency June 22 2010 Billboard Hot 100 History June 23 2010 Historic Dates June 24 2010 National Parks June 25 2010 Literature and Music June 28 2010 Botanical Etymology June 29 2010 Physics June 30 2010 Russian Composers
The Final Jeopardy category was Sports The Clue was: In action since 1917, this sport franchise is now largely owned by the Ontario teacher's pension plan The answer was the Toronto Maple Leafs
Toys was the final jeopardy category aired on April 30 2010. Lincoln Logs was the answer to the question about the 1918 set that was first used to built Uncle Tom's Cabin. The answer was Lincoln Logs.