2500 BC: The first trace The first written mention of paraplegia can be found in the Edwin Smith papyrus. It is the world's oldest medical record and describes the prevailing attitude over a long time: “An untreatable condition.”
The Greek physician Hippocrates, regarded as the “father of medicine”, leaves behind the first medical description of chronic paraplegia and develops a stretching bench for therapy. Several centuries later, the Greek doctors Aretaeus and Galen define the different levels of paraplegia.
Paraplegia occurs after injury to the lower spinal cord
The word paraplegia has Greek origins. It comes from a Greek word that translates to half striking. Paraplegia is generally caused by an injury to the spinal cord.
Paraplegia is the paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body, typically caused by spinal cord injury or disease. This condition results in loss of sensation and motor function below the waist. Physical therapy and assistive devices can help individuals with paraplegia maintain mobility and independence.
Paraplegia is caused by trauma or disease of the spinal cord below the cervical portion of the spinal cord.
The destruction of the lumbar spine in association with rheumatoid arthritis rarely is severe enough to cause paraplegia.
Paraplegic. "She is paraplegic."
Paraplegia - paralysis of both lower limbs