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not without parents consent. the parent is still responsible for the girl regardless if shes pregnant or not.

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Q: Can a 15 year old girl move out if shes pregnant?
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Can a pregnant 16 year old move out?

no. shes still not legal.

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Can a 15 year old move out of her house because of stress living there and she feels like shes being mistreated if shes pregnant?

She needs to talk to social services

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As long as she's a minor she can not get married without her parents consent. Pregnant or not.

Can a 16 year old who is pregnant and living in Florida move out with no parent permission?

Can a 16 year old girl who is pregnant and living in Florida move out without parental permission?

Can a 17 year old pregnant girl move out without parental consent?

No, she is not emancipated.

Can a 17 year old pregnant girl move out with her 18 year old boyfriend legally in Pennsylvania?

no, you have to be 18

Can a 16 year Louisiana girl move out of her parents home?

if shes a mature 16 yr. old then she sould be able too

Can a pregnant girl move in with her 16 year old boyfriend if she is 15?

Only if she has permission from her parents. Being pregnant does make them an adult.

Can a sixteen year old move out on there own in Geogia?

16 year olds can get married if the girl is pregnant but im not sure about that

If a 15 year old girl gets pregnant by a 17 year old boy but now shes 16 and she just now told her parents and they where dating?

whats ya question????

Can a 16 year pregnant Girl move in with her father even if her patenta doesnt allow her to in?

No. Pregnancy does not emancipate you.