It is better for the puppy to be given puppy formula available from the vet.
contact a vet immediatly. you may have to bottle-feed the puppies with special milk formula.
no feed them baby formula until two months or until mom wants to feed them then u can feed them puppy foodAnother answer:Sorry, the answer above is not correct. Puppies can start eating moistened puppy food at about three weeks. If they don't eat enough of it, you can supplement with formula. By six weeks they should be completely off formula and on food only. Feed your puppy some milk from the store and be shure to take good care of your puppy too
It depends on the age of the puppy. They will quit when they are full. Think of when they are nursing on mom...don't force them to eat if they have had their fill. Overfeeding a puppy can sometimes be just as bad as underfeeding.
formula if they are very young, dog food if they are a bit older
Probably but only feed them puppy food.
no, because baby formula will give the puppy diarrhea and will cause hem to get dehydrated..
Medical causes Or Baby may require specialized formula
If the mother dog isn't nursing her litter, or if there is an orphaned litter, then it is necessary to hand feed the puppies with formula. If the pups are nursing normally, there isn't a reason to supplement with formula, their mother's milk is all they need.
yes you can but it will not give the kitten the nutrients it needs
kitten or puppy formula
Well, if you're feeling brave, you can breast feed him. Or, assuming you've already purchased a bottle, you can feed it formula. Formula is a healthy substitute for 'biters'.