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Yes. You are fertile for a number of days, because sperm can live for up to four days in the vagina, and an egg can live for 2 or 3 days. You ovulate once/month, and if you have sex a few days before or after, you can get pregnant. Not all people ovulate on day 14 of their cycle, so counting days (the rhythm method) is not reliable. A full 19% of women relying on the rhythm method get pregnant within the first year.

Spotting can happen in early pregnancy around the time you would have had a period. Get a pee test.

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Q: Can you get pregnant a week before your period is due then a week later have spotting?
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You had unprotected dex a day after period 3 days later im spotting blood could you be pregnant?


Is it possible to get pregnant right before my period and no period a week later?

You can get pregnant at any time. Including during your period.

Trying to get pregnant period isn't due for 7 days for 2 days i have had light brown spotting is it normal could it be implantation spotting when should i test the bleeding is now gone?

You could be pregnant. I had brown spotting 10 days before my period was suppose to start. 5 days later I took a First Response (5 days before your missed period) and it came back positive. If you take it that early and it comes out negative, it could be a false negative. It is still best to wait 5 to 10 days after a missed period. Good luck!

I had My period then 2 weeks later I've noticed spotting which stoped then 3 days later i have more spotting.?

It is most likely that this is ovulation bleeding which generally occurs 2 weeks after period ended. However, if there is a chance that you could be pregnant, take a test if you miss your period

I just had my period this month and now im spotting a week later could I be pregnant?

You could. But the period you had and the spotting you are now experiencing would point more to a miscarriage. If you had a period, you are no longer pregnant if you were. The stuff that comes out during your period would need to stay in there for the baby! Check to make sure you got your tampon out. Believe it or not, this happens to alot of women.

Is spotting and cramping a early sign of pregnancy if you haven't got your period yet?

Pregnant didn't know it . It could be your body wanting to have it's period but it can't because you pregnant or miscarrying

Can you be pregnant if you have one day heavy period then spotting now 1 wk later breasts gettin very sore?

Maybe, but my guess is that what you describe is part of the period. Breasts are often sore during and after a period.

Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant when she sees her period 3 days late?

If your period arrived 3 days late then you are not pregnant. In very, very rare cases some women see some blood spotting throughout a pregnancy which they mistake for a period and do not know they are pregnant but if your period just arrived a few days later than normal then it would seem that you are not pregnant.

Spotting after period?

I've just got done with my period a week ago, but i had intercourse the day before my last day of my period and then a week later i had intercourse again..the next day i startiung apotting and the day after i was spotting a little more heavier...whats the meaning to this?

Why have you been spotting for 4 days now my period is 2 months late and pregnancy test negative?

If your test is neg try a couple days later in the morning with a five day sooner test wen spotting has stopped it may have been a misscarriage before u knew you were pregnant them are very common

Is it possible to still be pregnant if you had After implantation bleeding is it possible to still be pregnant after having implanation bleeding then 2 weeks later you get a period?

Well last year of 2/24/07 I found out I was pregnant and I had a period before .

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I just had a period 2 weeks ago then had sex when i got off now im spotting i dont know if it mean im pregnant or not kinda worried myself