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Q: Can you give a ten year old deep heat?
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What if a 12 year old girl has pain in her leg?

you're probably just growing, try massaging it or used 'Deep Heat' cream

How old is the Miami Heat?

The Miami HEAT were founded in the year 1988, making the franchise 23 years old as of the year 2011.

You have an 8 month toy poodle and still doesnt have herperiod when will she go into heat?

My dogs didnt come in heat till they were 1 year old so give her a few months and she should come in heat.

What should you do if you are an 11-year-old and weigh 160 pounds?

Talk to a doctor and a dietician for help. Meanwhile, give up sodas and everything deep fried.

What age does a West Highland terrier stop going into heat?

One year old.

How old are dogs when they go in heat the second time?

they are a year to a year and half when they go in heat for the second time.

What should be done for a 2 year old who has been in the heat and is now vomiting?

If my toddler was vomiting from the heat, the first thing I would do is give her cold water to drink and take her to the emergency room immediately.

Can you give a two year old nutrifix cereal?

It is completely okay to give a two-year old Nutrifix cereal.

How old are labradors when they go on heat?

They usually go on heat when their 1 year old, but they might start sooner or later.

Can a 1 year old beagle be in heat?

no because he would get sick from the heat and die.

Can a 13 year old go into heat without sex?

Humans do no go 'into heat'.

Can a 17 year old marry a 28 year old?

If the 17 year olds parents give permission. Not something I'd give my daughters permission to do.