No, but she did however have a few abortions.
G3P2-0-2 The G is the number of pregnancies the woman has had, so she has been pregnant 3 times. The 2 is how many times she has given birth, so she has given birth 2 times. The 0 is number of miscarriage or abortions, so she has had 0 miscarriages or abortions. Indicating she is currently pregnant because if she has been pregnant 3 times, given birth twice, but had 0 miscarriages/abortions - then there is one child yet to be accounted for, so she is currently pregnant. The last 2 is the number of living children she has.
6 pregnancies 2 full term 1 premature 2 abortions 3 living children
Yes you can.
2 pregnancies. 0 live abortions/miscarriages 2
I wish it was never necessary and no children was unwanted and I support her choice to decide what to do with her body within the limit of viability.
what do you mean by "missed" abortions?
All races have abortions.
Not necessarily; see a doctor!
Yes, illegal aliens have abortions as well.