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Yes babies do wear nappies.

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Q: Do babies wear nappies
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Related questions

Does all baby have nappys?

babies do wear nappies but you have to buy them :(

How many women wear nappies?

some women and men wear nappies because they are disabled and they can't go to the toilet so they wear nappies so a lot of people can wear nappies no matter what age

Why do babies need to wear nappies?

Don't tell me you don't know! People are not born with the ability to control their bowels or bladders; they have to be trained not to crap in their pants, which they learn when they are two-ish. Up to that point, babies need to wear nappies to prevent their parents' floors from being covered in yellow puddles and brown smears.

What are disposable nappies used for?

use for babies.>.

How many nappies do babies go through?

In the first 2 years, a baby uses about 4700 nappies.

Why do ladies wear pampers?

Some adult women wear nappies, or diapers, because they have bladder or bowel problems. Others may wear them because they like to, for example adult babies and diaper lovers.

What nappy is the best for babies?

Maxicomfort nappies, or comfort ones. I don't see why regular nappies don't work...

Do girls wear nappies for bed wetting?


What do the babies wear?

they were first nappies then a baby grow and if the wheather is cold thick clothing or if its warm that's it or thin clothing. Change nappy every other hour.

Why do sumo wrestling wear nappies?

Because they are all bedwetters and they get knocked out.

Why do dogs wear nappies?

some wear themcoz they r not toilet trained and they wee and some wear them coz they might need to.

Do any teenage girls wear nappies?

Yes anyone can if they struggle with incontince or just wear them for the pleasure. i wear them as i currently wet myself during the day and night and reguarly poop aswell. does anybody know of any good strap on nappies for teens?