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Aphrodite was mother to:

Eros and Himeros, born impregnated with twins

Eros, Anteros, Harmonia, Kydoimos, Deimos and Phobos, by Ares

Priapos, by Adonis or Dionysus or Zeus

Iakkhos and Hymenaeus, by Dionysus (the mother of Iakkhos is named Aura; Hymenaeus is given other mothers as well)

Herophile and Rhodos/Rhode, by Poseidon

Atlantius (also called Hermaphroditos), by Hermes

Pothos, father unknown (also called son of Iris and Zephyros)

Peitho, father unknown (many alternate parents)

Beroe and Golgos, by Adonis

Astynous, by Phaethon

Eryx, by Boutes or Poseidon

Aeneas & Lyros, by Ankhises

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