Aphrodite was mother to:
Eros and Himeros, born impregnated with twins
Eros, Anteros, Harmonia, Kydoimos, Deimos and Phobos, by Ares
Priapos, by Adonis or Dionysus or Zeus
Iakkhos and Hymenaeus, by Dionysus (the mother of Iakkhos is named Aura; Hymenaeus is given other mothers as well)
Herophile and Rhodos/Rhode, by Poseidon
Atlantius (also called Hermaphroditos), by Hermes
Pothos, father unknown (also called son of Iris and Zephyros)
Peitho, father unknown (many alternate parents)
Beroe and Golgos, by Adonis
Astynous, by Phaethon
Eryx, by Boutes or Poseidon
Aeneas & Lyros, by Ankhises
Apollo had not children with Aphrodite.
the children of aphrodite was Eros (cupid)
Yes, Aphrodite has several half mortal children born by several different mortal spell children right, second the answer is yes. Aphrodite had many demigod children, and many god children also.Ares and Hermes had many children with Aphrodite and the whole list at
Apollo and Aphrodite had no children together, although not all fathers of Aphrodite's children are named and not all mothers of Apollo's children are either.
Aphrodite has 13 or 14 children as I've benn told
Aphrodite has thirteen children!!!
Aphrodite had no children by Hephaestus.
Cupid, Aphrodite and Ares had cupid! KEY Aphrodite-love Ares-war
the children of aphrodite was Eros (cupid)
Hephaestus and Aphrodite had no childeren.