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Well, there is not much you can do at this point. You may run the filter a couple of hours longer.

The shampoo probably had little to do with your cloudy water. The one time incident should not affect filter performance however it is not a good idea to wash you hair in the pool. Your cloudy water is due to the fact that you have been neglecting your pool - - too little filter run time. Depending on pool size filter needs to run 12 hrs along with that you also need to add chlorine on a regular basis. If you are doing that already then you are not adding enough or the right grade of chlorine. Make sure your test kit and solutions are fresh. An old test kit and solutions will give you false readings and you may as well use a brick and get the same results.

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Q: How can you clean cloudy and soapy pool water after your child with waist-length hair has gone in swimming without rinsing out Pantene hair conditioner?
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How get shiny hair?

i use pantene ice shine conditioner and shampoo and it keeps my hair shiny, healthy, and strong. here's a secret that a lot of people don't know- when rinsing your hair, rinse it in cold water, that keeps it very shiny. - miss star

I'm on a tight schedule in the mornings. How long must this hair conditioner be left in before rinsing?

The conditioner only has to be left in for a couple minutes before rinsing out, which makes it ideal for your situation. Other conditioners need longer to sit.

Why would a leave in conditioning treatment be considered better than a conditoner that is rinsed off?

Leave-in conditioner can soak in and really work with hair, while rinsing conditioner is easier but wears away quicker.

I was told that after rinsing the neutralizer off you must not put conditioner on is this correct?

Yes it is correct. And you can't shampoo your hair again for 48 hours.

Why rinsing hair to remove shampoo and conditioner?

shampoo is an emulsifier, meaning it bonds to water and oils. So by using shampoo and other soaps, the shampoo bonds to the oils and dirt in our hair, and the water also bonds to the shampoo so the oils are removed by rinsing the hair

How do you cope with really curly hair?

Wash it regularly and comb through a conditioner after the shampoo. Leave the conditioner on for a few minutes before rinsing out. Have a regular cut, keep it well-combed and bear in mind heaps of people would love to have curly hair!

Does Pantene shampoo and conditioner interfere with perming solutions?

Any conditoner will coat the hair. It is the reason that conditioners work; they make hair soft and silky by coating the hair, smoothing the cuticle and making it less apt to tangle. Modern hair preparations will "build up" meaning that incorrect usage(improper rinsing, too frequent and too long use) and the product must be removed prior to permanent wave application. The permanent wave will eventually break through the residue of the shampoo/conditioner buildup, but it does take longer and the results might be uneven. A simple solution is to wash the hair, then after thorough rinsing, use an acid rinse on the hair. Common rinses are vinegar and lemon juice. After applying the rinse, rinse again with plain water. This should remove most of the built up residue in the hair. Residue build up is not peculiar to one particular brand, but is common in all hair care products.

Can you leave conditioner in your hair?

What do you mean? Leaving conditioner in our hair without rinsing? If that's the case, I can relate it to my friend. She made conditioner as hair leave-on. But I don't know if its good for the hair because according to the direction written at the back of the bottle, it must be use after shampooing your hair and it must be rinsed well. So... better follow the instruction to make sure... :)

How do you use hair conditioner?

After shampooing, apply a small amount of conditioner to the ends of your hair, avoiding the roots. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water. Conditioner helps to smooth and hydrate the hair, making it more manageable and less prone to tangles.

What are home remedies for extremely dry hair?

Try home remedies for this, such as rinsing your hair in cold water or taking plain yogurt and using it as a conditioner for your hair. There are lots of things you can do to avoid having the dry hair that we all hate to have in the hot months.

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The cast of The Rinsing - 2013 includes: Daniela Nardini as Dee

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decolorizing the hair