

Best Answer

babies grow from when you keep them healthy and clean.

what type of babies Wat about if some one is talking a bout butterfly Wat can u say.

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Q: How do babies grow?
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Do your babies grow?

All babies grow up to become children and then adults.

Can babies in virtual families grow?

Yes, babies in the game virtual families can grow, they take a couple days to grow.

Do babies grow?

:: yes babys do grow

Do the babies grow in imagine babies Nintendo ds?


What are babies?

Babies are small children, but smaller and they are the first cycle of life, we were babies too because our mother gave birth and we come out really small. Then babies grow to children, children grow to teenagers, teenagers grow up to adults, adults grow up to be a senoir [old person]

What happens to the sloth's babies?

They grow up and have their own babies, unless they die. Then they can't have babies.

Do Chihuahuas grow?

Yes. When they are babies they are extremely small, but they do grow.

Do babies grow in the sims 3 ambitions?

Yes they do. Babies grow in all the expansion packs, even the base game.

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tadpoles are frogs before they grow into frogs, just like fetuses are babies before they grow into babies...

How do babies go to mama stomach?

They don't. Babies grow in the womb, not the stomach.

What is one innate ability that babies have?

One innate ability that babies have is their ability to grow.

How do you grow fresh cotton?

you eat babies.