Gilbert Childs's birth name is Gilbert Jefferies Childs.
Amy Childs's birth name is Amy Andrea Childs.
Name on Credit Card mean the name that appears at the front of the card, below the long card number. This will be the name of the person to whom the card was issued by the bank.
No, because its for a business and it's not in your name. It will however change your credit score if and only if you have a business credit card in your name.
Only if the card reports to the CRA's
you have to be 18 to sign a contract for a credit card in your name.
If your credit card application was denied, you do not have a credit card. You are not in the credit company's system. Therefore, you will not receive a report.
Martin Childs's birth name is Martin David William Childs.
John Nurit is the Manufacture of Nurit credit card terminals. He decided to name it aftere his last name because he was the manufacturer of the Credit Card.
A commercial credit card is one that is issued to a company or business. It normally shows the users name and the company name on the card.
The name is not encoded in the credit card number. You will have to ask the bank (they should not tell you!)