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Althought this is a strange should start to purposly wet the bed. Drink alot of water and maybe you will do it in you sleep, or you can set your alarm and just pee. tell you mom you someone you trust that you have been wetting and they will probaly buy you goodnites or underjams

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Q: How do you get your parents to buy you diapers?
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How do you get diapers and condoms without your parents knowing?

buy them in another neighborhood where your parents are not known. they are both items that can be obtained freely.

How can you get diapers at age 13?

One way is to wet the bed. If it's for problems then at a drug store or buy adult diapers. Finally, if it to wear them for fun, confess that you have a diaper addiction to your parents.

Where can you get diapers for a 20 year old?

go to walmart and buy adult diapers and if you are a SMALL adult buy TEEN diapers.

How do you tell your parents you need diapers?

mummy i had a few accidents and i think i really need diapers/pull ups/ drynites/or goodnites/ and your parents might by you some diapers

How should you tell your parents about your diapers?

As a grown up it is very hard to tell your parents about the diapers unless you have a medical problem.

Do you have luvs diapers?

To buy Luv diapers you have to go to the store.

How can you sneak diapers?

Find diapers I am 18 and I still wear diapers pampers cruisers I am 18 and I still wear diapers pampers cruisers

How can parents prevent newborns from leaking through diapers?

To prevent newborns from leaking through diapers, parents can ensure a proper fit, change diapers frequently, use high-quality diapers, and consider using diaper inserts or boosters for added absorbency.

How can I get my parents to make me wear diapers?

Wet the bed or get into an augment and say what you gonna do pu me in diapers

How do you get your parents to get you into diapers?

If you are at the age where you can type actual words then you shouldn't be wearing diapers. So simply, you don't.

How do you diaper a teen?

Pull ups grandparents diapers baby diapers or own up to ur parents!

What impact did diapers have?

well it depends which diapers you are referring to. for example: the cloth diapers were not as efficient as the recyclable ones we have now.The impact of cloth diapers: water was much wasted, because the diapers were reused. Yet, people saved more money because they would only have to buy a couple of diapers and used them for a long time.The impact of recyclable diapers: These diapers save water because they are only used once. Which is way better to then to having to wash. Yet, this means more money is wasted because these diapers are only used once.Overall : Diapers have helped parents take care of their child's outcome.