no 5 stone isn't fat for an 11 year old! if anything you are under weight and should some meat! i am 11 and i weigh 10 stones and 9 lb!
if i was to describe how much fat an 11 year old should eat it would really come down to the height, because bigger/taller kids eat more, well if there short they should eat less, kids are not suppose to be to skinny are to fat keep them in perfect condition.
No.She's actually uder weight an 11 yr old girl should weigh 100-120lbs
No, stop worring about your weight a 10 or 11 year old should weigh that much!
not at all. I am 11 and I weigh 88 pounds most 12 year old's should weigh 100. you are perfectly fine
I think an 11 year old should go to the movies with her/ his bestfriends.
135 lbs for a little girl and 250 lbs for a boy THESE ARE FOR FAT PEOPLE ONLY
depends on your height mostly, but no 85 lbs is not fat for an 11 year old.
its good if they have none. but if u have a meal and it has alot of fat in it i would not feed it to your kid just a little is fine!
An average 11 year old should be at least 4'5 to 4'11.