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Q: How many babies does seahores have?
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How many babys can seahores have at once?

Seahorse's can have hundreds of babys at once (the male seahorses carry the babies around til there born)!!!

Are there any poison seahores'?

i look up and there is no such thing a POISON SEAHORES

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Are seahores harmful to humans?


What is an offense of a seahorse?

a seahores is not real

What is a seahores bladder?

the bladder of a seahorse

What is a seahores body made out of?


Does the male seahores have the baby?


What are baby seahores called?

singular: calfplural:calves

Where is seahores habitat?

in reefs low in the water

What is SpongeBobs seahores name?

Mystery lol!

Why do seahores eat small fish?

Becouse they have to eat !!