he has 16.587774 daughters and 32 sons he has 16.587774 daughters and 32 sons
Hades had no sons and daughters neither with persephone or anybody else,still Cerberus could have been like his son.
He has no sons; he and his wife have two daughters (Sasha and Malia).
Demeter had one daughter, Persephone, who was abducted by Hades and taken to the underworld.
no daughters; only two sons:
Demeter's daughters are; Persephone, by Zeus. Despoena, by Poseidon. Khrysothemis of Krete, whose father is Karmanor.
4 daughters, 3 sons.
Herbert Hoover did not have any daughters. He did have two sons.
Britney Spears has no daughters. She does, however, have two sons.
It depends how many sons and daughters the man has. If it is 4 daughters and 4 sons, then that's 2 daughters for every 4 sons. The answer is 16 sons and daughters in the family [other possibilities] ! By the way I'm pretty smart for an 11 year old! lolOKAY YOU HAVE SOME OF THIS WRONG GIRL/BOY IT WOULD BE 2 SONS FOR EVERY 4 GIRLS.........BECAUSE EACH SON HAS HALF AS MANY SONS THEN DAUGHTERS..............AND I AM VERY SMART FOR A 12 YEAR OLD.....................l~o~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET IT NOW....................????????????????????I don't get any of this, I'm pretty stupid for a 16 year old.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ya the 11 yr. old is right, they never told us how MANY sons and daughters the man had, and just cuz he has the same amount of daughters and sons doesnt meen his grandchildren will be the same as their parents..... lol im 11 and im smart and I don't even get this!?! lol Abe Lincoln had 2 sons ! I am also smart for an 12 year old !