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Q: How old are Shawn Johnsons parents?
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What is Shawn johnsons height?

About 4'11

What is Shawn Johnsons full name?

Shawn Machel Johnson .Peace is her signature.

What is Shawn Johnsons favorite color?

Shawn Johnson's fave color is red.

Who is in Shawn Johnsons family?

Shawn Johnson is the daughter of Doug and Teri Johnson. she has no siblins.

What is Shawn Johnsons moms name?

Teri Johnson.

What is shawn Johnsons dads name?

mike johnson

What is Shawn johnsons favorite book?

to kill a mocking bird

What is Shawn Johnsons nickname?

Peanut, Bubbly and ShawnyJ on twitter

What is Shawn johnsons Yahoo Mail?

if she has a yahoo account.. it's no ones business

What is Shawn johnsons favorite band?

rascal flatts

What is Shawn johnsons favorite song?

till the world ends ...britney spears

What is Shawn johnsons weight?

Shawn weighs between 90- 95 lbs no she is not fat or hasn't gained weight.. she wears a size 2