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Q: How old is mama in Esperanza rising?
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What are the character traits of mama from Esperanza rising?


why did mama faint in Esperanza rising?

T**hey have Papa's body in the back of the wagon.**

What characteristics does mama have in Esperanza Rising?

She is first elegant then she is brave and then she is a normal Mexican in the USA working

What is the surprise that Alfonso and Miguel have for Esperanza and Mama in the book Esperanza rising?

Alfonso and Miguel surprise Esperanza and Mama with a new room they have prepared for them in their home, complete with special touches and decorations. This gesture shows their love and appreciation for Esperanza and Mama, and their desire to make them feel welcome and at home.

What gifts did Esperanza get in Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza received a doll from Abuelita, a richly embroidered silk shawl from Mama, a porcelain doll from Alfonso's family, and a sweater and shoes from Marta's family.

What does the broken pinata represent in Esperanza rising?

it probaly means that esperanza really misses her papa and her mama so she probaly is heart broken and she might go to abulita or see if she can get abulita over there before she knows ir mama is either going to die or not die so thats probaly what it means in the story esperanza rising

Why doesnt mama inherit papa's land upon his death in Esperanza Rising?

In "Esperanza Rising," Mama does not inherit Papa's land upon his death because it is against the laws in Mexico. Instead, the land goes to Tío Luis, Papa's stepbrother, due to the traditional customs and laws of inheritance. Mama and Esperanza are left with no choice but to leave the land and seek a new life in the United States.

What does esperanza pray for the most of all in esperanza rising?

In "Esperanza Rising," Esperanza prays the most for her father to recover from his illness and for her family to have hope and strength during their difficult times. She also prays for her mother's health and safety as they face challenges in their new life in the United States.

What does Esperanza try to do in Esperanza rising?

first she tries to persuade mama that they do not have to move to California to work after her house burned down. she also tries to do good at watching the babies; Pepe and Lupe. Esperanza tries very hard when she is working in the shed when mama gets sick

What is isables twin baby brother and sister name in Esperanza Rising?

In the book "Esperanza Rising" by Pam Munoz Ryan, Esperanza's twin siblings are named Ramona and Hortensia. They are born prematurely and are very small and fragile. Esperanza helps take care of them alongside Mama until they grow stronger.

Why was mama shaking Esperanza awake?

why was mama shaking esperanza awake

Why does Mama and Esperanza hate tio Luis in Esperanza Rising?

Mama and Esperanza hate Tio Luis in "Esperanza Rising" because he is not trustworthy and causes trouble for their family. He is greedy, manipulative, and mistreats them, which causes tension and conflict within the family. Tio Luis's actions go against their values and threaten their well-being, leading to their dislike for him.