no.... fistly she should make a career.. you can have a baby at any age but you cant make a career if this age is passed and you did nothing!!! !!
it is a place where you can adopt eggs and try to hatch them it is free and fun when your eggs are adults you can breed them to get new baby eggs
yes a baby budgie can live with an adult budgie but you should try it with an adult because it can get very aggressive. if he doesn't do anything to the other adult that means you can keep the baby but the should not be 2 old
a baby sitter or summer job mabye u should try at mcdonlds type in can a 13 year old get a job at mcdonald i did it
Grown flamingos do not have predators. What does have predators is the flamingos baby eggs. Other birds will try to get at them.
Ideally, a mother should try to wean her child from breast-feeding by the time the baby is one year old.
It depends on if your one year old is sick or not. If the baby is sick then you could give it some babby tylenol and if the baby is not sick then the baby might just be teething.
As for the chicken,you should cook it and make cooked chicken.For the eggs,you should fry it.Both are edible so u should try to eat them!
young adult, i think.
Baby hamsters leave there mother at two weeks old. They should not be separated from her until around 6 weeks old, so I would wait until this age before you try this.
You should probably try to find a good relationship to where the baby will have a father.
The eight steps to raising a baby squirrel are simple to follow. One should first try to take the baby to its mother. If the mother does not come, one should pick up the baby, warm it, find a squirrel rehabilitation centre, get the baby hydrated, stimulate the baby to urinate and defecate, rid the baby of fleas, and nurse the baby until it is old enough to take care of itself.