I would advise you to keep focusing on your cycle and how long it is and mark down the first day of your period too. You can go to the pharmacy and purchase an ovulation kit or maybe this site might help you: www.yourdays.com Create an account for free, and then go to getting started on the left side...from there just enter in the first day of your last period, how many days your cycle is and the luteal phase # 14 and then you'll have your own calendar to help you pinpoint when you re ovulating. Hopefully this helps you out some.
It means your periods , were really not over.
Yes. The only safe time really is the first days of your period. You can start ovulating again after you've had a period.
This is something you ask your gyno to help you with to make sure it's accurate. There aren't really safe periods though since we know today that a woman can start ovulating by having a strong orgasm.
There aren´t really any safe periods. Even if you are not ovulating you can start when having a strong orgasm. To find out when you ovulate you need the doctor to help you. They need to monitor you and take tests for a month or two.
There aren´t really any safe periods. Even if you are not ovulating you can start when having a strong orgasm. To find out when you ovulate you need the doctor to help you. They need to monitor you and take tests for a month or two.
The pill can really mess with your sytem and make you have a period for a month and then skip. I really can't say but after a year you should be having regular period. I would go see a doctor.
No. They can speed them up so that there's a less amount of days but exercise doesnt change the fact that your having a period Athletes training really, really hard can sometimes lose their period, but for someone only doing regular fitness work that shouldn't happen.
you cant really you technically need a period to be fertile because if you are producing eggs when they are not being fertilised they need to be washed out by bleeding but that doesnt mean you cannot get pregnant if you write down any pains and twinges you should be able to see when your body is ovulatingb but dont hold your breath as your body may not be doin it right my best advice is go to the doctors and ask for the pill so you can regulate your periods then stop taking it and you should be regular enough to get pregnant properly :)
Don't worry. It is very comon. Make sure you talk with your mom or another adult you trust. Then talk with your doctor. There is medicine you can take to help make your periods regular. Don't worry.
Bears are not attracted to periods.
Well I know that about 20% of women 25 and older get pregnant when trying to get pregnant, and when theyre not on birth control. And you can only get pregnant if your ovulating and a sperms there, so maybe it's 20%. Also, when your ovulating there are signs such as a thick white discharge, abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps, and also you get really horny.
it really depends on the person