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If the mother's ABO bloodtype is A or AB, yes.

As with the majority of genes, we have two copies of both the ABO bloodtype gene and of the Rhesus gene, with the phenotype dependent on the genotype as follows:

AA or AO = A Blood type

BB or BO = B Blood type

AB = AB Blood type

OO = O Blood type

Rh- Rh- = Rhesus negative

Rh+ Rh- or Rh+ Rh+ = Rhesus positive

In this case an O+ father can be either OO Rh+Rh+ or OO Rh+Rh-. His child is guaranteed to receive one copy of the O blood type gene, and either an Rh+ or an Rh- gene dependent on his genotype: either ORh- or ORh+.

If the mother is Rhesus negative she must have the Rh-Rh- genotype. If her ABO bloodgroup is AB or A then she is able to give an A gene to her child. With the father's O gene guaranteed, if the child receives an A gene from its mother than it will definitely have the blood group A, and will be Rhesus positive if it receives an Rh+ from its father.

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Q: If a mothers rh d negative and the fathers o positive can they have an A positive child?
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I would say A, now it also depends on RH factor which is positive and negative, but usually a child will have either mothers or fathers type blood but since both are A child had to be A cause it is recessive

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