yes, Jordan, (there are many ways of spelling that name), is a common name. though more so for boys, it can be for girls too.
The most common local news name is Jordan
The name Jordan seems to be a girls name and boy name. It has a sound of masculine and feminine when you say it.
It can be but its not that common to be one
I'm sure, there's a Saint with nearly every name today. Any common name, especially Jordan, can probably be found. One example of a Saint Jordan is a Monk who lived in Saxony in the 12th century.
Jordan comes from the name of the Jordan River, which flows between Jordan and Israel.
Jordan's real name is Jordan Ryan Yates
Russel Jordan's birth name is Jordan, Russell.
Jordan Boden's birth name is Jordan Carroll.
Kidd Jordan's birth name is Edward Jordan.
Jordan of PureNRG's full name is Jordan Ryan Yates. Hope I helped. =)
Mike Jordan's son name is Robby Mike Jordan.
Jordan Carper's birth name is Jordan Elizabeth Carper.