BROUGHT!! Unless you are going somewhere to BUY a child, then you would have bought a child!!
its born and brought up
Mother Teresa was brought up as a devout Catholic.
The homonym of "bought" is "brought." "Brought" is a homonym because it sounds the same as "bought" but has a different meaning.
Depending upon context, the phrase "brought up" can mean several things. It can refer to child rearing, as in, he was brought up to respect his parents. It can refer to raising a topic, as in, he brought up the issue of drug abuse. Sometimes it refers to vomiting, he brought up his dinner.
Brought means to bring something Bought means to buy something
The homophone for "bought" is "bought."
William I was a Norman Duke, not a King, and it should be brought, not bought. The battle was obviously the Battle of Hastings. We may have finished up with a Norman king, but a Norman king wasn't brought to the throne.
It is a foster child, but one word could be adoptee.
The new child's death brought back a painful memory for The Giver of a previous situation in which a child had been released from the community. This memory brought up feelings of loss and sadness for him.
No, unfortunately for Jasmin she was not a lucky child, she was brought up by a bunch of skanks.
Daneboe Brought It.
No, she is an only child. Her parents split up when she was 4 so she was brought up by her mum.