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Not unless they have some sort of medical/mental condition.

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Q: Is it normal for a 6 year old to still were baby diapers?
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Related questions

How many diapers does a baby use per year?

If the baby is changed about every 4 hours, that means 6 changings a day. So a baby uses about 2,190 diapers a year.

How many diapers are used for one baby?

A new born baby uses approximately 8 diapers a day. If a baby uses on average 6-8 diapers per day, then for one year, they will use between 2,200 and 2,900 diapers.

Can a 7 year old be in baby diapers?

Yes of course

The cost of baby diapers for one year?

the average cost is $620

How much do diapers cost yearly?

The cost of a pack of 124 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Newborn size) is approximately $26.00, and a baby uses about 10 diapers per day, on average. Therefore, the cost for a year of diapers would be approximately $765.

How many diapers does one infant use in a year?

Depends on how poopy the baby is

How many diapers do baby use in a year?

well i no they use about 70 a week

How many diapers do a 4 month old baby use?

1 year

What if your 6 year old still wants to wear diapers?

You let him or her wear diapers. You can't force the 6 year old to do something they don't want to do.

Should I be concerned that my 5 year old wants to play with diapers?

my sister is 5 and she likes playing with baby dolls and changing ther pampers and feeding them and i think its normal.. its just a toy.

Im still lactating after a year and a half is that normal?

If the baby's still breast-feeding, yes. You'll keep lactating as long as the baby feeds. Its the sucking action of the baby that stimulates milk production in the breast.

How many diapers will a baby use in one year 2555 7515 3820 5050?