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It is possible at 4 months but more certain at 5 months.

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Q: Is it possible to tell the gender of the baby after 4-5 months pregnant?
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Is it possible to have another baby 3 months later?

It is possible to become pregnant 3 months after delivering a baby, but the gestational period is generally 9 months in normal healthy pregnancies.

Is it possible to have another baby after just having one 6 months ago?

It is possible to become pregnant after just having a baby six months ago, if that is what you are asking.

What sort of diet should a pregnant lady eat to have a male baby?

Diet does not affect the gender of your baby. The gender of your baby is determined at conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg), although it is several months after conception before and ultrasound can visibly "see" the genitalia of the baby.

Can a doctor determine the gender of a baby at 3 months gestation?

Possibly. If you get a good view on the ultrasound, it's possible. You can also have a amniocentesis done and that will tell you the gender.

Is it possible to give birth in six months pregnant and the baby survive without doctors?

Without doctors no.

Is it possible if you do it and you have baby on that day?

um no, when you're pregnant, it usually takes nine months for the fetus to grow, which is why pregnant ladies have big bellies

How many days are you pregnant before you have the baby?

You are pregnant for 9 months before you have the baby.

How long are women pregnant then have their baby?

they are pregnant for 9 months

Where can one find a gender predictor?

One can find a gender predictor by visiting a doctor while one is pregnant. One can take an ultrasound to get a picture of the baby and see which gender the baby will be.

Is Lady Gaga pregnant by a girl?

No she is not that is rarely possible you cant get pregnant with the same gender unless you get a tub to have a baby then okay but no she is not by the way lady gaga is so awesome she is like a role model or a big sis to me

Tips for getting pregnant with a boy?

The only thing that can affect the outcome of your gender of your pregnancy is the males sperm. Your baby's gender is predetermined by the genetics in your partners sperm. There is nothing you can do to to alter your baby's gender.

How can you determine the gender of baby after two Months of pregnancy?

They will usually find out during your first ultrasound.