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I don't think there ae diaper services working anywhere these days. Cloth has been replaced with the throw away type.

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Q: Looking for adult cloth diaper service in mass?
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Disposable Diaper Alternatives?

There are cloth diapers which can be washed and reused. If you want to take this option you can actually call a diaper service and have them clean and return new diapers to you.

Which diaper is cheaper cloth or disposable?


Who invented the adult diaper?

It depends on what you mean by "Adult Diaper". I'm sure that even in the distant past cloth material was used as diapers (just like for children) on adults who needed them. Later sheets of tissue paper were used inside rubber pants. The first commercial children's cloth diapers were produced by Maria Allen in 1887, but It wouldn't be until 1949 that Johnson and Johnson produced the first commercial cloth type Adult Diaper. Ironically Johnson & Johnson had already introduced the first disposable children's diaper the year before. However, Adult would have to wait until 1987 when a company called Unicharm launched the "Lifree" brand adult disposable diapers in Japan.

What are some popular cloth diaper accessories?

Velcro and diaper cover-ups would be some popular cloth diaper accessories. Velcro helps to hold the diapers together (used now-a-days instead of diaper pins).

What supplies are needed when you choose to do cloth diapering?

The absolute essentials when you choose to use cloth diapering is a diaper pail, cloth wipes and a wipe warmer. When using a diaper pail use Eco friendly liners that are washable, The cloth wipes are washable and would makes sense to throw in the diaper pail with the diaper, and lastly the cloth wipe warmer keeps the wipes moist, and warm for your baby's bottom.

Which cloth diaper package is recommended to give as a gift for a new mother?

A cloth diaper package that one may give as a gift to a new mother is the Infant PreFold Package available at the Cloth Diaper website. This package costs approximately $120.

What chemical does a paper diaper have that a cloth diaper doesn't?

If you mean a disposable diaper, that substance is sodium polyacrylate, a superabsorbent polymer.

Why is a diaper called a diaper?

It's called a Nappy here in Australia. It is also referred to as a Nappy in the U.K. The term diaper refers to the pattern of cloth that was used in the 16th century for swaddling cloth in the UK. As the use of the diaper pattern for swaddling spread, the term diaper stuck in place of swaddling cloth. The U.S. and Canada continued using the term diaper while in the U.K. ( and Australia ) replaced the term with 'nappy.'

What is a cloth diaper?

it's a square of thin cloth that is used if paper diapers are not used.

How much does it usually cost to buy bumgenius cloth diapers?

BumGenius sells a small assortment of cloth diapers and prices range depending on the type of diaper. The BumGenius Freetime All-In-One One-Size Cloth Diaper is $19.95 while the newborn diaper is $12.95.

How Does a Diaper Service Work?

With more than 18 billion disposable diapers thrown into landfills every year, many parents want to do their part to reduce that number and help the environment. Some choose to use cloth diapers. Although many people think of using cloth diapers as messy and inconvenient, many cloth diapers can be used with a velcro-fastened cover. Using cloth diapers has many advantages. If you do decide on cloth diapers, you will need a a diaper service. A diaper service is a professional laundry service that rents reusable cotton diapers to those who need them, including families with infants, day cares and nurseries. Each diaper service operates a little differently, but has the same premise.The diaper service will supply you with a special hamper with a heavyweight bag or liner and high-quality air freshener to keep your home smelling clean. The soiled diapers go directly into the hamper; they do not need to be rinsed or soaked. The service picks up the dirty diapers and delivers clean ones. This is usually done on a weekly basis. A customer can also order diaper covers, if needed. Basically, the service rents customers the use of diapers to fit their baby’s needs and size.The diaper service professionally cleans the diapers with special equipment and formula. Diaper services use public-health standards for cleaning and they eliminate all bacteria by using 13 changes of water and drying at high temperatures. Prices may vary depending on the amount of diapers needed, which can change as your baby gets older and starts potty training. Depending on the number of diapers a baby uses, some customers may save 50-60% by switching to cloth diapers.Many areas have a local diaper service. You should be able to find one in your local phone book or online. Neighbors, friends, daycares, doctor’s offices and hospitals may have recommendations as well. When you are ready to start diaper service, you will want to research different services and obtain information regarding the amount of diapers to order, cost, use of diaper covers, diaper delivery dates and how to fold the diapers.

What did Marion Donovan invent?

She invented the first diaper liner for a cloth diaper and invented the first disposable diaper.