Vitiligo is a fairly common pigment discontinuity in people usually present since birth. It is usually only present in a few spots and the decreased, or lack of melanin can cause the skin to turn white. When present in hair it causes the hair to become platinum blonde despite the rest of the hair's color. Vitiligo is usually present from birth though can in some cases be acquired.
No, you might need to see a dermatologist.It could be pigment damage from the sun.
Dalmatians have spots due to their genetics. The gene responsible for their spots causes a lack of pigment in the hair, resulting in white fur with black or liver-colored spots. This unique coat pattern is a defining characteristic of the breed.
It is white not blonde.
If they are about the size of pinheads then they maybe loss of pigment from the sun. I have them on my ankles and up my shin from overexposure to sun.
White lions are not albino. Instead, they are a variation of the Kruger lion supspecies, and simply have a color inhibitor gene. Their coloration varies from blonde to near white, whereas an albino animal has no pigment whatsoever and thus is completely white.
White on Blonde was created in 1994.
Not a great white does not have spots
There are many skin conditions which causes white spots. Most common in which is the skin condition Vitiligo. And other are Albinism, Nevus de pigmentosus, Pityriasis Alba, White scars and hypo pigmentation and Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. Color of our skin is called skin pigment, and the process of coloration of skin is called pigmentation. When a loss of pigmentation occurs in certain part of skin, a white spots appear in that part.
i have white spots on my cervics,what does that mean?
I have this after travelling in s.america .the skin pigment dosnt tan . it's a fungal infection difficult to treat but not a problem I've had it fir 20 years x
It contain a pigment called Flavones.
Just spots.